
Prominent Jihadist Suggests Muslims Everywhere Take Inspiration from Hamas Blitz on Israel, Target Tourism Sector in Arab World

The al-Qaeda (AQ) supporter Azm Mujahid posted a message on October 8, 2023, beginning with a diatribe against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and claiming that it and Israel are “two sides of the same coin.” He then followed with advice to lone-wolf jihadists to strike Jewish and Christian tourists, arguing that any impact on the tourism sector in the Arab world would lead to a major source of revenue for local governments and halt the cultural invasion. Azm Mujahid added:

What happened in beloved Palestine yesterday is one of the lessons on which focus must be placed on how to galvanize the energies of the youth for a united attack. (An Israeli settler said: “They came from everywhere and we did not know how to act.”) So, what if this mobilization occurred in all the Arab countries in one day to attack the Jews, Christians, and tyrannical regimes!!

Following is a translation of the message:

The statelet of so-called Israel, as well as the statelet of the Emirates, are two sides of the same coin. In fact, it is a fragile, electronic [virtual], cartoonish “Zio-Crusader” system. Only those who have penetrated the Emirati and Israeli circles will know this truth… Yes, they are distinguished by organized intelligence and investigations, using money for hirelings only. When the rewards and funds are cut off, intelligence power will diminish (and striking everything that generates money for these two regimes will serve the Islamic cause). However, real military power, such as armies on the field, will never exist – armies, patrols, and air-conditioned armored vehicles will not last for hours to save their fragile regime if tensions heat up. What happened yesterday in the occupied Palestinian territory is a testament to the fragility of this Zionist regime, in contrast to the republican regimes that have been struck since the Arab Spring and are still reeling to this day. The more the regime develops, possesses the means of comfort and luxury, and attracts females into its ranks, the weaker it becomes, and the more it becomes weak and cowardly. Therefore, do not be deceived by their media.

Conclusion: The Jews and Christians in the Arab world must be targeted as a whole, and tourism and foreign tourists must be hit because the tourism sector is one of the most important resources that generate money for the tyrannical Arab regimes. Moreover, the penetration of Zionist-Crusader thought and the intellectual invasion of the youth of the Muhammadi Ummah is related to tourism.

The strikes of the mujahideen, both individually and in groups, must be unified for specific goals, and internal conflicts should be avoided. The Jews and Christians and their helpers must be targeted. I mentioned in a previous article that the operations are most dangerous to the Jews and Christians and the most dangerous to Islam and its people. In my opinion, the statelet of the Emirates is currently the most dangerous to Islam and the closest in affection to its Bani Zion.

What happened in beloved Palestine yesterday is one of the lessons on which focus must be placed on how to galvanize the energies of the youth for a united attack. (An Israeli settler said: “They came from everywhere and we did not know how to act.”) So, what if this mobilization occurred in all the Arab countries in one day to attack the Jews, Christians, and tyrannical regimes!!

‌✍️ Azm Mujahid


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