Nigerian Army Debunks False Claims of Mass Killing in South East

The Nigerian Army (NA) has dismissed as “despicably false” allegations of mass killing by its troops in the South East region, made by Simon Ekpa, a self-acclaimed leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) terrorist group.

Director Army Public Relations Major General Onyema Nwachukwu debunked this in a statement on Wednesday said, contrary to Ekpa’s claims, which have gone viral on social media, the NA has conducted a thorough investigation and found no evidence to support the allegations.

In fact, the troops in the video footage are personnel of the Nigerian Navy, not the NA, and were engaged in a routine test firing of a weapon system.
“The self-acclaimed leader through spurious and unfounded claims raised alarm on a viral video alleging that troops of NA are carrying mass killing of innocent Igbos at Oliver and dumping them in the River. The report also contained some unimaginable and not well-couched falsehood targeted at whipping up negative sentiments against troops and inciting anarchy in the South East region.”

General Nwachukwu also clarified that the incident took place in the Southwest region, not the South East, and that there is no evidence of individuals being shot at or killed in the river. The local communities have also reported no discovery of corpses in the area.

The statement further urged the public to disregard Ekpa’s false claims, which are aimed at inciting unrest and violence.
He reassured that the NA and other security agencies remain committed to maintaining peace and order, ensuring the safety and security of all citizens.

The statement also commended the patriotism and courage of law-abiding citizens, particularly the Igbo people, who have continued to build bridges of peace and harmony across the country despite the threats and atrocities perpetrated by Ekpa and his group.

“The NA remains a pillar of stability and security, committed to the well-being of the nation and her people.” he added.

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